CFO Mastermind Group
Because Great Minds Don't Always Think Alike!

Thanks for visiting! New in 2024. Earn Continuing Professional Education credits (CPEs) at meetings qualifying for NASBA credits.
Come and be a part of a peer to peer group for CFO's! CFO Mastermind Group is an exclusive forum for Finance Executives
to share their knowledge base and partake in value-driven discussions and presentations that will ultimately help their business be
more profitable. It's a group worthy of your time, when you don't have any!
The forum meets the third Wednesday or Thursday of every month at the Trust Company of Illinois office in Downers Grove,
1901 Butterfield Road, Suite 1000 in The Esplanade at Locust Point Building; and at Alera Group in Chicago, 410 N. Michigan Avenue, 12th Floor in the Wrigley Building. We also have a Zoom meeting option. Meetings begin promptly at 1pm. Lunch is included. Contact us if you are interested in becoming a member or participating in one of our discussions as a guest. Check back soon for the 2025 schedule of meetings.